Asset development & Repurposing

Folkestone Kent



The site

Large 7 storey office building in the center of a busy London commuter town. Suitable for conversion to 135 units of residential accommodation under permitted development rules.


Total Costing excluding finance

Finance costings are included by way of example but will not be relevant

Total Costing excluding finance £17,401,141

Total Costing excluding finance £23,780,925

Asset Disposal

Completed Project profit £6,379,784 or 37.7% return.

Asset Disposal

Completed Project profit £4,813,175 or 43.4% return


£1,086,156 paAsset Retention

72 One bed apartment @ £700 pcm total £604,800 pa

72 One bed apartment @ £356,400 pa

Total rental return £961,200 pa or 5.5% yield

Valuation in 2025 on current forecasts

Assuming conservative estimates of 20% house price inflation and 13% rental inflation

Total Asset Value £28,537,110

Total Rental return £1,086,156 pa pa or 6.2% yield

Case studies

The following are summary sheets of three currently available.


Asset development

Yield generating asset

Contact Us

Appointments may be requested via email: 


London Office:

Salisbury house 

London wall



